Sunday 21 June 2009

here's andi peters to explain more.

the best of a GREAT bunch.

im watching 'this morning'.

things are worse than i thought.

however i have learned that it is child safety week.
you would not believe the hidden dangers around your home.
i just don't know how i made it this far.

nice weather today should really go outside i used to have a table tennis table in my garden going outside was a lot more appealing then it was great me and my dad would play for hours my mum hated the noise i only hated it when the ball went in the bushes though had to climb into the undergrowth and get covered in spiders dad made me cos i was smaller even though i was well scared of them but that's going back a bit now though we lost it to rust years ago.

the new shield your eyes record is out soon.
this is old. but good.

Shield Your Eyes - Come On Melissa Are You A Kisser

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