HEY so do i! i assume ill see you at this next week? wear that turtle-neck. its to die for. you know, the one that goes perfectly with the green slacks.
honey i've been a fool... i wasnt paying you enough attention. too many beers and not enough internets. i know that now... and im gonna make it right. GO SAINTS! did ya see? did ya see?!
everyone knows the best part of the superbowl are the ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAR commercials. (or something like that)
therefore the non profit bbc coverage just didnt give the all american vibes i was hoping for... sigh.
this is just an example of what us poor limeys were missing.
money well spent i think you'll agree. since being reunited with the world wide web, firstly i had to catch up on hell's kitchen USA ("the most explosive season yet" btw)
so yeah, apologies for being lame but im back now, baby, and everythings gonna be allllllright.